The Alphadog Digital Marketer

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This book that you’re reading now is unlike any other. It was actually written with internet and digital marketers in mind, because many of them face certain issues that are very unique.

While most self-help books will congratulate you on taking action and buying these books… that’s not going to happen here. All too often, a quote by Lao Tzu is tossed around just to make people feel good… “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

People read this quote and feel very happy when they take the first step. Every New Year’s Day, millions of people decide to lose weight and get fit. Their ‘single step’ involves them paying money and signing up for a gym membership.

This explains why most gyms make most of their money in December and January. The gyms are packed in January with people taking their single step. By March, these same gyms have become ghost towns when 80% of the population bails on their New Year’s resolution.

Why? Why does this happen?

The answer is simple. People focus on the wrong part of the quote. They focus on the words ‘single step’ instead of the most important word… “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

‘Begins’ is the most important word in that quote. Anybody can take that single step and most people do. What happens after that? What happens when you realize that the thousand-mile journey probably requires you to take 10,000 steps?

Will you carry on? Will you take all the steps that you need to, to reach your destination?

The hard truth is that most people won’t. The journey seems too long. The promise doesn’t seem clear anymore, and it’s more work than originally expected. Results aren’t coming fast enough… and discouragement sets in.

They quit once the initial sparkle of the first step gets dull and the reality of what it takes to achieve results starts to set in. They lose interest and throw in the towel and decide that it’s just not worth the effort. Then it’s onto the next shiny object or newest strategy that promises faster results with less effort or time.

This book will put the fire in your heart to keep you going when skies seem dark and the struggles are real. It will give you the strength and guidance to go from the first step to the last one where you succeed at achieving your goals and dreams.

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The Alphadog Digital Marketer

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